
Friday, March 7, 2014

Lists, Lists and More Lists...

We have four weeks now to get everything ready and to get to a point where we actually feel comfortable leaving our home for six months.  We're so fortunate to have our daughter and her wonderful husband staying on the property to take care of the house and the gardens while we're gone and, especially with the California drought in full swing, that will be no easy task for them. But, because of their generosity, this is the least of our worries.

Our lists run the full spectrum, from attending to doctor appointments and making sure our bills will be paid on time, to prepping our gear (kayaks, mountain bikes, truck and camping gear) and ensuring that we have all of various items we need to fully stock the trailer (which we will pick up in Texas). This is not to mention the fact that we need to exercise daily to be in shape before we leave. How are we going to accomplish all this and how will we get all this stuff into our truck? Packing it all in will definitely be fun.  It's obviously a logistical challenge, but challenges are our strength. (Pack, unpack, repack and unpack and repack will be our motto.)

So our calendars are full of obligations and our job now is to check off each item to reduce this list down to a dull roar. So - this weekend - we celebrate Ernie's retirement (with our family), we exercise and we work on the garden.  Step one of many more...

Dreaming of the High Sierras, 10,000 foot peaks and granite.